Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Simply Faith

Another successful workout tonight! Its really easy to do it if I just go right downstairs after work and put on the workout clothes. I think if I sat down upstairs, or did anything else for that matter, I wouldn't be motivated at all. The strategy I've come up should work just fine!

Well, after working out I fixed my husband and I wonderful dinner of baked lemon pepper tilapia, wild rice, and broccoli. It was delicious AND healthy! Can't go wrong there. But I was really excited to get on the computer and blog tonight. I just really wanted to take some time and reflect on God and what He is revealing to me.

I have a little book, called "TouchPoints Bible Promises," that I absolutely adore. I actually bought a copy of it for my best friend Kate before she left for college and when we reconnected after being apart through school, she told me how much the book meant to her and presented me with my very own copy. I treasure this little book of wisdom in so many ways. In just over 250 pages, this book touches on just about every subject, A-Z. I find if I need specific verses to better understand something or just need a dose of refreshment, this is the book to read.

With the new year beginning and with new goals having been set, the topic of "renewal" seemed perfect to read. A verse that came up, and one that I've pondered many times, comes from the Old Testament...

"I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws." -Ezekiel 36:26-27 (NIV)

I love that despite all of my faults, mistakes, and weaknesses, that God still manages to extend His grace and pours out His Spirit on me. I love that after a year of ups and downs, that this new year can be better, filled with only things that He can do! It gives me hope that I can live the best life possible - one beyond my wildest imaginings!

Another verse mentioned comes from the Book of Colossians...

"You have clothed yourselves with a brand new nature that is continually being renewed as you learn more and more about Christ, who created this new nature within you." - Colossians 3:10 (NLT)

Ultimately, choosing to set new goals and seek out God's will for my life requires a great deal of faith. Faith is what is going to keep me going in the direction that will lead me to Christ in eternity. As I learn more about Christ and experience who He is and what He's capable of, my faith will dramatically increase and allow me to not have to worry about worldly matters, but to just rest in Him. Isn't that a wonderful gift? No worries, just resting in the Lord.

In thinking back to my first scripture to memorize, Ephesians 4:24, I asked this question yesterday: "Lord, what does a God-fashioned life look like for me? What does it mean?" I believe God is starting to show me what a life fashioned after Him looks like - it is simply FAITH! Faith to look to God when its the hardest thing to do, faith that He can overcome any obstacles or challenges, faith that He loves me and provides for me, faith that He really exists and that I am who He says I am...the list could go on forever. Faith is going to be what keeps me renewed in my commitment to seek after the best life possible - the God-fashioned life.

Praises to God for bringing some of the pieces together for me so I experience some of what that ideal life looks like now! Thank You, Lord, for loving me and being with me as I faithfully move forward with You in this new year. Amen.

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