Another weekend comes to an end - unwinding from the first weekend back up north after spending the last couple weeks at home. It was a nice weekend. Yesterday was great. I woke up at 6:30 and went for a 3 mile run down to the end of the pier and back. It was really pretty as I got to see the sunrise over Pere Marquette Lake and the City of Ludington. It looked like it might rain, but the clouds completely disappeared and there was nothing but sunshine and blue skies the rest of the day.
My dad and I went down to the beach for a bit. We laid out in the sun and I read a book, which I finished today! I love summer reading - that makes two books I was able to read in the past week! Later on, we ordered a couple pizzas for dinner because it was too hot to cook. Then my hubby took me downtown so I could indulge in some Ultimate Peanut Butter Brownie ice cream from House of Flavors - DELICIOUS! Then we went out on my dad's boat for a little cruise. The pictures I have posted on here are from that little trip. There wasn't much of a sunset because the fog rolled in from offshore, but it was still fun!
Overall, it was a good weekend away and now I'm preparing myself for a rather full week. My brother and his family are in town and there are a lot of things to celebrate - my dad's birthday, our four year wedding anniversary, and then our good friends' wedding. Really excited to meet my nephew for the first time and to spend quality time with family - it's going to be AWESOME!
I finished reading the Book of John this weekend. After doing the study this spring based on the Book of Luke, I took the opportunity to leisurely read through the Book of John and see what new insight I could glean. I've read through John many times and am familiar with the stories, but new things did pop out at me and I was really inspried by the things Jesus said, the way He said them, and the way He was able to relate to the people He came in contact with. The Book of John really showcases the way we are to live our lives and what that means for us here on Earth, and more importantly, what that means for us eternally. I am blessed to know God more by reading through John's Gospel and pray that everyday I can become more and more like Jesus!
That's all for today. Here's to the end of a great weekend and the beginning of a fabulous week! Peace.
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