It's the first day of August - hard to believe it's here already! The month of July just flew right by!
This past week was incredible. My brother and his family came to visit from South Carolina and pretty much stayed with us the entire time. It was great because we got to spend some quality time catching up and visiting and we had the chance to really bond with the little one. I absolutely adore my nephew! He is the sweetest boy! When they left yesterday morning, I felt like a piece of me left. I've really been missing him. I sort of got used to waking up and coming home to see him here. I really hope it won't be too long before we get to catch up again. Hopefully by Thanksgiving we'll get to see them!
In addition to my brother and his family being here, we had much to celebrate this past week. My dad's birthday was on Wednesday so we went out to dinner for that and then came back to our place and had cake. (My step-sister made a fabulous homemade carrot cake with homemade cream cheese frosting - it was delicious!) Then my husband and I had out 4 year wedding anniversary on Thursday. We exchanged cards and will be celebrating just the two of us later this week! And then Friday we had a little cookout here at the house, which was great because we got a new grill and were able to entertain for the first time this summer! It was nice to hang out on the deck with family and friends. And on Saturday, we went up to Grand Rapids and watched our dear friends, Logan and Nicole, exchange their wedding vows! It was an absolutely beautiful day and the time spent with old friends was awesome! So, overall, a very busy week filled with so many good times! I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful family and to be surrounded by so much love!
In other news, I registered for my half-marathon yesterday! I will be officially running my first half-marathon race on Sunday, September 18th! I'll admit I am a little nervous, but I am also super excited and looking forward to the challenge! I had a fantastic 4 mile run on Saturday morning - it was a perfectly cool and sunny summer morning and I felt like I could have ran forever. It was so refreshing and incredibly motivating! Only 7 weeks to the big event!
Well, because it's the first day of the month, that means it's time for Scripture Memory Verse #15...
Hebrews 6:18-19, The Message
We who have run for our very lives to God have every reason to grab the promised hope with both hands and never let go. It's an unbreakable spiritual lifeline, reaching past all appearances right to the very presence of God.
This passage has been coming up a lot lately as part of my devotional reading and it's really inspired me. I love the imagery of grabbing onto God's promises with both hands, never letting go, and being drawn deeper into His Presence. This is ultimately the desire of my heart - to cling to Him with all I have within me and to be brought closer to Him in every way! May my life be transformed and may I fulfill the purposes He has for me as I seek to live out my life for Him!
Happy August! :-)
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