Already the middle of July which means it's time for my new scripture memory verse!
2 Samuel 22:33-34, NIV
It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect. He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he enables me to stand on the heights.
I came upon this passage as part of my devotional readings this past week and after my awesome race last weekend and for everything that God does for me on a daily basis, I thought this was perfect to focus on for the rest of the month. He is my strength! He makes me victorious!
So, I've been "on call" this week which means I've pretty much just been home after work and throughout the week in case something comes up with work. I actually had to respond and got some overtime this weekend, which will make for some nice extra cash! But, overall, it's been a pretty relaxing week. I'm happy to report that two weeks away from up north enabled me to catch up on things at home - mostly cleaning and organizing - which is really great because soon my brother and his family will be here. I am so excited to meet my little nephew, Jace Ryan, for the first time. I can't wait to hold him, cuddle and snuggle with him, and spoil him in love! He's so cute!
Being that I've pretty much been at home this week, I was able to finally finish The Hunger Games series which I had started back in the winter months. I really liked the first and second books, but found the third to be pretty dark. However, I feel overall that the series is really good and I am looking forward to the first movie to come out next year!
I also recently finished The Organic God by Margaret Feinberg and LOVED it! My aunt and I decided to read this as a book study, which is perfect as there's questions and verses to go along with each chapter. Much like the book I read last month by Angela Thomas, it describes characteristics of God, namely that He is...
Breathtakingly Beautiful
Amazingly Wise
Surprisingly Talkative
Wildly Infallible
Outrageously Generous
Unbelievably Stubborn
Abundantly Kind
Deeply Mysterious
I love what she writes in the first chapter, because it's such a reflection of how I feel at this point in time with regard to my relationship to Jesus...
"I want to discover God again, anew, in a fresh way. I want my love for him to come alive again so that my heart dances at the very thought of him. I want a real relationship with him - a relationship that isn't altered by perfumes, additives, chemicals, or artificial flavors that promise to make it sweeter, sourer, or tastier than it really is. I want to know a God who in all his fullness would allow me to know him. I want a relationship that is real, authentic, and life-giving even when it hurts." -pg 20
Amen, Margaret! I fully agree and long for the same thing with Jesus, the Lover of my soul! Praise God for speaking to my heart through this book! He is so GOOD!
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