So, I feel like running away... just putting on my shoes and running as far away as I can... anyone else ever feel that way? There's something I haven't talked a whole lot about on here, namely because it's a rather depressing subject and not something I'm really proud of...but since this blog is all about living a free and transparent life, I'll just say it: I'm unemployed. It's a challenging situation. Here I am, a master's level social worker with almost 2 years of experience in the field and I can't find a job. The state of Michigan currently has one of the highest unemployment rates in the nation, so add to my predicament that I am competing with thousands of people just like me. I get online and say to myself, "Today will be the day I find my job," and it always seems to be the same result: the feeling of discouragement and wanting to crawl into a hole and cry my eyes out! I know, pathetic! Enough of the "boohoo-ing" ... I'm making a commitment to myself to keep pressing on and doing my best to find the right job for me before my unemployment ends in April. I have to stay positive and not give up. As much as I love to run, NO RUNNING AWAY! I have several people who love and support me and are praying for me on a daily basis and for that, I am so incredibly grateful. I know the Lord will provide. In drawing closer to Him, He's showing me that He does have a plan and I need to trust Him in these adverse circumstances. So, I shout out to Him, "I trust you, Lord" and that is that! Gotta keep on keepin' on!
James 1:12, The Message
"Anyone who meets a testing challenge head-on and manages to stick it out is mighty fortunate. For such persons loyally in love with God, the reward is life and more life."
So, with that out of the way and still staying on the subject of running, I have to share that I invested in a new pair of running shoes yesterday! Yay! Thanks to my husband and mom who provided me with plenty of gift cards to my favorite athletic store in the area, I now am the owner of a brand new pair of Brooks Ravennas and two new PINK running outfits! So excited! It turns out my old shoes were way too big and heavy for my feet now that I've lost all this weight. (I knew my feet were shrinking because my dress shoes used to fly off when I was going down the stairs at my previous was somewhat entertaining until I almost flew down the stairs myself after losing one and tripping up the stairs...geesh!) Anywho, I love these shoes and am so looking forward to breaking them in and seeing where they take me. I also have the 2011 race schedule for this area, so I've got to start thinking about my next race. I'm thinking I might do one as soon as February, but we'll see how I feel and what this weather does before I make up my mind.
I like to think of running as a journey. It's such an amazing experience once you can actually do it without losing breath or endurance. It's been transforming for me. It's become a tangible way of setting and achieving goals, having new experiences, and connecting with people in a different way. It's this habit now that I can't imagine my life without. Who would have thought I'd ever say that? I absolutely love it and I am so thrilled to see how God will use running over the course of this year to draw me closer to Him and do His growth work in me. I can't wait!
Here's to running in 2011! Cheers!
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