Monday, January 24, 2011


The theme of this season in my life is all about intimacy with God and allowing Him to really be the love of my life. My bible study (Jesus, The One and Only by Beth Moore), the sermon series at my church (Get Dusty), and now the book I picked up over the weekend (Crazy Love by Francis Chan) are all on centered on one thing: Jesus Christ. To be honest, I'm really enjoying it. Of all the topics in Christianity to focus on, this has got to be the best and biggest, more important one to think about and discuss.

Jesus Christ. Son of the Most High God. Savior of the world. Ultimate forgiver. The full embodiment of love, joy, peace, mercy, and grace.

In my weekly bible study lesson this week, Beth Moore poses this question: "What does the name Jesus mean to you?" I essentially wrote down what I mentioned above, but the question stuck with me over the weekend and I got to thinking...

Jesus means everything to me. It's the name I pray in and to. When I'm anxious, I repeat the name Jesus over and over again until my anxiety subsides and is replaced with peace. When the name Jesus comes to my mind, I envision the gentlest, most compassionate person who is walking beside me (sometimes carrying me) as my best friend. The name Jesus restores my confidence and encourages me to live a bolder and brighter life; a life just like His. Jesus embodies all of my hopes, dreams, and deep longings. Jesus is a name I want to grow more familiar with and emulate all the days of my life. Jesus.

Lord, you are AMAZING! I ask that you would breath life and a new word into this girl's heart, mind, and soul. I know that Your love is better than life itself. Allow me to let down my walls and to give my all to you. I pray to have the very best that You have to offer. Lord, hold nothing back! I love you and I thank You for the love You have for me. You're awesome and most worthy of praise! In the magnificent name of Jesus Christ, I pray this, Amen!

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