Psalm 65:11, NIV
"You crown the year with your bounty, and your carts overflow with abundance."
Happy New Year!! I can't believe it's already 2011. Time is just flying's hard to believe that I was just starting this a year ago!
2010 proved to be an incredible year with all of it's many blessings, including but not limited to: completing 4 bible studies, losing 30 lbs, buying a new house, selling our old house, and traveling to a multitude of places. It's really amazing to me what God did in our lives this past year. Although the year ended on a more challenging note, namely losing my job and the difficulties that come with unemployment, I am hopeful that 2011 will be as good or better because God is faithful and His love endures forever.
With a new year comes new goals and aspirations for the betterment of the future. I have taken the time to write out all of my goals by category. I would say that my overriding goal is for God to be involved in every aspect of my life and that I would become a better, more stronger person in Him. I hope that every part of my being would be radiant with His presence and that I would be obedient to Him in all things. I tend to get full of myself and think I can handle life without Him, and the truth is that I can't do it! When I rely on myself, I fail and make everything more difficult. But with Him, everything is possible, good, and true. I need Him more than anything.
I hope to blog more in the new year and I pray that this would not only be a positive outlet for me, but a positive influence on those who read my personal account.
In closing, I am ending with the first verse I'm choosing to memorize as part of the 2011 Scripure Memory Team through Beth Moore's online blog community...
Romans 15:13, NIV
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."
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