Monday, May 31, 2010

Scripture Memory Verse #11

Happy June! So much has been going on in the past couple weeks since I last wrote. Let me give an update...

Health and Fitness:
Still actively working out (primarily lifting weights and running). I am currently down 21 lbs and am incredibly happy with the fact that I reached my goal and can now just focus on maintaining this current weight. If I continue to lose some that's okay too, but staying healthy and fit are the main focus at this point.

My Aunt Beth and I traveled to Grand Rapids two weekends ago to see Beth Moore at Van Andel Arena for Living Proof LIVE! We made it a girl's getaway weekend of sorts. It was an awesome event and I am still relishing the message she passed on to us. It definitely hit home in more ways than even I could see then. Since hearing her teach and going back over my notes, I am realizing how much I need to put the message into action! (More on that when I share my verse for this blog...)

Currently involved with packing up our current house and getting ready to make the big transition out to the country on Thursday. Hoping everything between now and then falls into place so we are ready to go! It's been quite a process - quite tiring and stressful to be honest. I've realized just how much stuff we have and it makes me just want to simplify everything as we start fresh in this new place. I'm hoping that as we unpack, we'll be able to eliminate more stuff and be able to keep things neat and tidy. I'm sure between the hubby and I, we can make that happen!

On a fun note, we are going to see "Phantom of the Opera" tonight! This will be the third time we've seen it for both of us, but we love it and can't wait to see the magic unfold!

So, that's the latest. Now on to my verse for the next couple weeks....

I mentioned above that I was realizing how much I needed to put the message Beth Moore shared with us in action. Her message centered around the theme of trees and was titled, "Lessons from out on a Limb." One of the "limbs" she shared was "Trees Need Reign" and with this, that there are four types of things that tend to reign over us. The idea of the "thornbushes" (Judges 9:17-15), representing the difficulties/frustrations/annoyances of life, reigning over us really resonated with me. I tend to dwell on the negativities of everyday life and allow the challenges I face to rule over my heart, mind, and spirit. It's not always good for the attitude, especially when it comes to having to deal with others. It's all too easy at times to take my frustrations out on others, rather than giving it over to God.

I was pondering over this during the long weekend. While having my coffee and just enjoying the peace and quiet of my up north retreat, I opened the scriptures and found a verse that really spoke to me.

2 Corinthians 4:16-18
"Therefore, we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."

This is the attitude I need to embrace. Rather than allowing circumstances and little petty things to get the best of me, I need to keep my eyes centered on Jesus and the promises He has made to me, as well as the inheritance I have in Him. As a new creation in Him, I need to be denying the old self and it's behavior and letting the Holy Spirit do a mighty work in me each and every day. So, this is my prayer - to be renewed by Him day by day and focus on the unseen treasures and blessings I have in Him. I ask that Jesus enter my heart and that He will have dominion over my words, thoughts, and actions. May they reveal a life embedded in His Word and the encounters I have had with this magnificent God! Amen.

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