Greetings! I have made it back safe and sound from good ole Colorado. Today has been spent recovering from the time difference, not to mention daylight savings, and catching up on life. (It always feels good to be home sweet home after time away!)
Colorado was AMAZING! We had an absolute blast. While the guys were skiing, I got to spend time with my new friend, Nina. We had ourselves some good old fashioned girl time as we ran together, hiked Red Rocks Trail, chatted, and ate some great food (I'm now a huge fan of Old Chicago by the way). Then when the four of us reconnected, we visited downtown Denver, Estes Park, Rocky Mountain National Park, and even a Butterfly Pavilion close to where our friends live. So many lovely sights to behold. The scenery literally takes your breath away. It's just incredible out there. I look forward to going back soon and can't wait to see what other adventures await us!
So, I love how God works. He's such a mysterious and majestic God, yet loving and tender all at the same time. While in Colorado, I was offered a position with an agency that is not too far from my home. I have accepted the position and will be starting my new role as a Domestic Violence and Children's Advocate next Monday, March 21st! I am very excited about what God has in store for me in this next journey as it is a new area of work for me. I think it's going to be an incredibly challenging, yet rewarding job, and I'm ready to dive right in! Praise God for His provision and perfect timing! He is so GOOD and FAITHFUL!
Now back to mountains...In my bible study, we recently covered the transfiguration of Christ on the mountain. Beth Moore defined a mountaintop experience as that change that occurs in us as we see Christ transfigured for ourselves. I do not find it a coincidence at all that shortly after studying this, I actually got to travel to the mountains for myself, while reflecting on all that God has been changing and revealing to me throughout this current season. I thought being offered a job would be my "mountaintop experience," but it turns out that my time of unemployment actually has been my mountaintop experience as it has brought me closer to God in so many ways. I've learned so much about Him as I've diligently sought Him through His Word and prayer, and been engaged in my bible study, fellowship with other believers, and the sermons at church. My testimony has been greatly strengthened through this process. I have had to learn to trust God with everything and let Him have full control. I have had to put His will above my own and submit to His authority. I wonder if I hadn't done that, if I would be where I am peace and more deeply in love with my God. I don't think I would be. I'm so glad that He has stayed close to me through this experience and that He lead me back to Him, even when I was tempted to turn the other way. He is so sweet and I am so grateful for Him. I can't wait to take what I've learned on the mountaintop and apply it to my coming valley!
So, because God is faithful to His promises, I have chosen the following scripture to memorize for the next 15 days...
Memory Verse #6:
Lamentations 3:25, The Message
"God proves to be good to the [woman] who passionately waits, to the woman who diligently seeks."
Thank You, Lord, for Your goodness! I am blessed to be called Your Daughter. I praise You and love You!
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