It's the start of an exciting week. On Wednesday my husband I are venturing off to Colorado for an extended weekend trip so he can get his ski-fix for the winter. I'm tagging along and looking forward to the change of scenery. I'm hoping to relax and absorb the clean, fresh mountain air while doing some exploring, visiting, and meditating. I think the time away will be good for us. It will most likely be our last big trip for awhile with spring and summer drawing closer, so I pray for it to be a blast! My hubby was so sweet this morning and put a love note in my devotional telling me how excited he is for our trip! I love that man more than words can express!
Still in the process of job searching and interviewing. The job openings have been few and far between. Last week I found myself getting really down and discouraged, but I have to keep making the daily decision to just trust in the LORD and let Him do His thing. Whatever He has planned is far better than I could ever imagine!
I weighed in this morning at my lowest weight yet, with my overall total weight loss since January 2010 at 36.4 lbs! (That's like losing a small child!) I'm pretty excited to see that I'm still losing weight while building muscle and toning up. I just might have to buy a bikini for this summer. We'll see though...I'm a modest girl and don't always feel comfortable in those...but it might be nice to get a tan and look good for my man...lol!
I've got my next race scheduled for Saturday, March 19th. My girlfriend, Nicole, who is also an avid runner is coming down that Friday for a girl's night and then we're getting up and running the Shamrock 5K the next day! We did that race last year and it was pretty fun, so I'm looking forward to doing it again, and to spending some time with her!
I don't think I've mentioned yet that I am an AUNT! My nephew, Jace Ryan, was born February 11th! He is an absolute doll. I have not had the chance to meet him yet, as my brother and sister-in-law live in South Carolina, but I'm hoping that I'll get to meet him this Spring. I've included some pictures in this post to show him off. He's just darling and perfect in every way!
So lots going on these days...sometimes I feel I'm busier than I was when I worked, but I suppose that's okay. I don't mind it. We were reminded in church a few weeks ago that God calls us to live and take part in a great adventure. I'm totally into living it up in Him! So where He leads and what He wills, I'm game for!
I'll catch up again after my trip. Here's to safe travels and great adventure living!
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