Happy October!
Reasons I love this month...
1) October is when all the colors on the trees really start to the change, the air gets crisper, the scents are spicier, and cozying up with a hot cup of something just feels oh so good (pumpkin spice or gingersnap lattes especially)!
2) My birthday is October 10th (10/10) - so there's always a little celebration to look forward to! (This is also my brother and sister-in-law's anniversary!)
3) October is when we frequent the cider mill, winery, pumpkin patch, and apple orchard. Love making those memories with my hubby.
4) Halloween! Love the scary and family fun movies (Hocus Pocus, Casper, Haunted Mansion), the music (Monster Mash, Thriller), and passing out candy to the cute little ones in costume.
For these four reasons alone, I can say that I really think this month will be great! Super excited for what is in store over the coming weeks.
I just finished my second week of bible study. I'm really liking the lessons. Much like the Kelly Minter studies, Tammie Head's lessons are easy to get into for someone like me who is on the go. The lessons are short and simple, but deep and insightful. I really like the overall layout too - I'm a bookworm and for me, everything from the feel of the book to the look of it inside and out matters. It invites me to sit down and take part in its pages. Last week it focused on how God has chosen me. This week it focused on how God has redeemed me. Throughout the past two weeks, I've been reminded of how much God loves me and just how freeing that love is. It's really amazing what God does for us who believe in Him.
Since I'm captivated by God's love, I decided that my 19th Scripture Memory Verse should focus on this...
Ephesians 3:17-19, The Message"
And I ask him that with both feet planted firmly on love, you'll be able to take in with all Christians the extravagant dimensions of Christ's love. Reach out and experience the breadth! Test its length! Plumb the depths! Rise to the heights! Live full lives, full in the fullness of God."
May my love of the Lord Jesus increase as I focus on and accept His lavish love of me!