Just checking in...it's an absolutely beautiful sunny day! Aside from going to church this morning, I've just been relaxing - journaling, reading, and napping - taking the time to rest and be refreshed in the Lord's beauty. It has been wonderful - I definitely needed some time to just chill out for a change.
In the past two weeks, everything has just started to pop to life up here. These pictures are of just things in our yard to document our first spring at the new house. It's hard to believe it's almost been a year since we closed on this property and officially made it our home. It's such a sanctuary compared to where we were before - I'm so blessed for the beauty of not only our home, but the country life around us. There's nothing like waking up and being able to watch the sunrise over the field across the street like we did this morning - a stretch of pink and a bright orange fireball in the midst of it to give us an invigorating start to the day and a reminder of God's majestic nature. It's awesome!
I'm still in the healing process with my broken foot. It's been sore, but I think that's part of it getting back to where it needs to be. Wearing the boot makes it easier to get around, but can make it almost too easy to overdo it as well. After a few days of "go, go, go" it takes a toll and I get to the point where I know it's time to take a break and put the foot up. I continue to pray that it heals and gets stronger everyday so that I can get back to the activities I love and miss so much, especially with this lovely weather. I am definitely more appreciative of my ability to run and be active since having this injury. Being broken seems to put everything, even the tiniest details of our lives, in perspective. I'm learning that it is when we are broken (metaphorically or literally) that we are most open to God and the wholeness that only He can provide. It allows us to get to a point where all we can do is look up to Him and accept the invitation He offers and what a life changing invitation that is! The things I've been learning and receiving from Him the past few weeks have been transforming. I want to keep moving forward in this direction of constant communion and fellowship with Him even after my foot heals. I've realized that my priorities need to be Him in first place, my marriage in second, and everything else after that. As I do that, He puts me back together - whole and complete in Him!
That's really all I have for today. I just felt the need to post a little something. I'll be headed up north for the first time next weekend and am looking forward to the get-away. It's almost Memorial Day and I have much to do to get our place in order for the summer months ahead. I can't wait to be on the lake, enjoying the scenery and peace and ice cream...LOL! It's going to be wonderful - I can feel it!
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