Friday, April 15, 2011

In the midst of the busyness...

Just quickly checking in to give an update on life as I now know it...BUSY! It is Friday though and I'm happy to be at home with my hubby and kitties just chillin out. I've gotten almost everything on my "to-do" list done for the week and that always feels good! I'm a person who thrives on setting goals and achieving them; even accomplishing the tiniest of tasks makes me oh so happy!

Enough of my "type A" ... I am happy to say that work is getting better. Adjusting to a new job is always challenging, but this one takes the cake. Every case is different and requires a different amount of attention, detail, and plan of action. And hearing each story back-to-back-to-back makes for an emotionally and mentally exhausting day. BUT, the days go quickly, there's never a dull moment, and I'm feeling more and more confident in my ability to do this work. Even though it's a tough job, I do think it'll be rewarding. I've really been trying to stay close to God and invite Him into each day and oh what a difference that makes! He eases my anxiety and gives me the strength I need to get through each and every day and for that I am tremendously grateful!

I do have some exciting news to share...I finally got a new computer! A Dell Inspiron 17 Notebook arrived on my doorstep on Wednesday and it is AWESOME! And HUGE! I purchased a lovely Vera Bradley case and unfortunately, the computer is so big (length wise), the case can't close! LOL! Guess I'll be sending it back and finding me one that this computer DOES fit in! It's so cool though to finally have an upgrade in technology. I have so much to learn about it and get set-up before I'm really off and running, but it's amazing! Just being on the internet on this thing is a blast!

It was a great week for snail addition to my computer, I also got the latest Kelly Minter book, "The Fitting Room: Putting on the Character of Christ." So far, I really like it. Kelly's style is so friendly and cozy. I like the freshness and honesty that's demonstrated in her writing. I can't wait to get more into it. I hear she's working on a new bible study as part of her Living Room series too! I can't wait to see what that will entail - I will for sure be doing that one!

Well, it's that time of the month again where I need to share my scripture memory verse... With the Easter season upon us and the fact that my new book is based on a passage from the Book of Colossians, I found it most appropriate to pick my next verse from this book as well...

Colossians 1:22, The Message
"But now, by giving himself completely at the Cross, actually dying for you, Christ brought you over to God's side and put your lives together, whole and holy in his presence."

I know I say it so much, but God is so GOOD! I just LOVE Him so much and I thank Him for seeing me as "whole" and "holy." That's so different from how I see myself on a daily basis - me, a woman full of hang-ups, mistakes, etc. But nevertheless, He loves me and thinks of me as a treasured possession. It makes my heart melt. I praise Him for conquering death on a cross for my sake and making me a new creation in Him! It's the greatest gift a girl could ask for in life because it IS life! God is GREAT!

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