Monday, April 25, 2011

God Speaks

Wow! I am just in awe at what an AWESOME, AMAZING, WONDERFUL, God I serve! I wrote out all of my prayer requests last night in preparation for my fast, which starts tomorrow morning. Doing that really helped to get me focused on the things that I need to be seeking His wisdom for in my life. Just writing them down was like praying quietly to God, preparing my heart, mind, and soul for the intimate and more concentrated prayers I'll be sending to Him while out of commission with my foot. I'm really excited about my time with Him. I'm praying for increased sensitivity to His voice, insight into His Word, and an overall sense of peace, stillness, and joy in His presence. I can tell it's going to be GREAT!

So, as I wrote in my blog yesterday, I've really been facing a lot of chaos and confusion where my new job is concerned. Well, my devotional, "Jesus Calling," spoke about this today and it just melted my heart because it's so what I needed to hear...

"Circumstances are in flux, and the world seems to be whirling around you. The only way to keep your balance is to fix your eyes on me, the One who never changes. If you gaze too long at your circumstances, you will become dizzy and confused. Look to Me, refreshing yourself in my Presence, and your steps will be steady and sure."

I am one of those people who sometimes has to verbalize out loud what I've read so that it sticks with me. I basically said out loud to myself after reading this, "Hannah, life is full of ups and downs, ups and downs, ups and downs. But, God is the straight line through it all. He doesn't go up and down, He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Look for and call on Him when things feel out of control. He is there, keeping everything steady even when it looks messy and crazy." What a relief! God is so GOOD! I'm glad He doesn't change like the wind.

So, I read this and then shortly after get in my car to go to work and excitedly put in the new Francesca Battistelli album, Hundred More Years, which my hubby just bought me for Easter (it's AWESOME by the way!). I'm just driving along and the second song to come on is called "Constant" and here's what the lyrics say...

I’m just a little bit afraid of where I’m going
And it feels like a hurricane is blowing over
Though I can’t find the ground below
I’ve lived enough to know
I’ve lived enough to know

You’re my constant in every moment
You’ve never failed me
All my life
You have never left my side
You are my constant

Okay I really don’t like change but I can’t stop it
I’m moving forward anyway with the promise
You are the anchor for my soul
That’s all I need to know
That’s all I need to know

You’re my constant in every moment
You’ve never failed me
All my life
You have never left my side
You are my constant

Before I was a thought on earth
You knew me then and You gave me worth
When all of this is said and done
You will be the One I’m standing on

You’re my constant in every moment
You’ve never failed me
All my life
You have never left my side
You are my constant

Is that not a direct reflection of what God spoke to me through my devotional? This is AMAZING! He uses so many mediums to remind us of who He is, who we are in Him, and what He can do in and through us. It just made me break out in a big smile while I was driving. I felt so special and loved that He cares enough about what I'm going through that He would speak to me and confirm His truth to me! Oh, how I love Him!

So, THEN...yes, there's more...I'm at work and it's about mid-morning and I see that my phone is blinking from a Facebook message from a friend I don't see much except for on the internet. I read her comment and I just can't believe what I'm reading. She essentially is checking in on me to see how the broken foot is doing and adds, "Please write a devotional or some book with inspirational words in it." Why might you ask is this so interesting to me? Well, two weekends ago I came across some things in the bible I had never learned or heard before and I journaled about them and the funniest notion came to me: I should write a book about these. And it sort of got me excited because I had this sense that writing a book is something I might actually be able to do in my life. But, it's not something I would just want to do without God's anointing and blessing, especially when it would involve His Word. It's sacred and holy ground I'd be treading, and I would never want to go about it in the wrong fashion. So, I actually put this on my list of prayers to discuss and commune with God about while I fast. And I feel like He confirmed this idea through my friend. My thought now is to pray more about it and see what He desires for me to write and to lead me in getting started if this is what He is willing me to do. I'm so thrilled to see what, if anything, will come from this!

This is my point for the day: God SPEAKS! When we humble ourselves before Him, or if He humbles us FOR us (as He did in my case with the broken foot), we are in a position to listen to Him and learn from Him. He does speak today and when we hear Him, it is the sweetest voice to our ears, and the most joyous feeling in the world to know He loves us enough to talk to us! Nothing compares to the voice of God. My prayer is that all of us would draw close to Him, listen closely, and let Him open up our minds, hearts, and souls to the things He wants to show us. He is GOOD, so GOOD!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! It's a great day to be a Christian. Today, across the globe, millions of us gathered in our homes and in churches to recount the story of the empty tomb, celebrating the fact that the LORD Jesus Christ conquered the grave and rose from the dead to bring His resurrection power to us all! Hallelujah! This is the good news of the gospel! We need not fear death, for He has taken it's sting away and given us access to His glorious riches in the heavenly realm! YES!

I needed Easter and the hope it brings so badly this week. I am sad to report that I did not have a very good week...I broke my left foot in a freak accident on Wednesday and am in a cast and crutches until who knows how long. I do see a specialist on Thursday and I'm hoping for good news, but nonetheless, it is broken, so I have to give it time to heal before I resume my cardio activities. (Sigh)

This was sort of the straw to break the camel's back. The past month has been one full of ups and downs for me. Since starting this new job, I've really been struggling mentally, emotionally, and now physically. It's just been one thing after another - the chaos and uncertainty has just been overwhelming. I'm not sure that I'm currently in a place where God desires me to be professionally, so I'm really questioning what it is I am supposed to be doing. I recieved some Godly counsel this week after my accident, and was reminded that chaos and confusion are not of God, so I need to get to the bottom of what is causing me such heartache, anxiety, and pain and then move forward to eliminate it. My prayer is to figure this out and to get to a place where I am living in the sweet spot that God calls me to, a place full of His joy, peace, and blessing.

This woman of God whom I spoke to about my current situation essentially said that she felt God is trying to give me a wake up call. When I was laid off, I spent a great deal of time clinging to God, learning from Him on a daily basis, trusting Him for every moment. Since getting this job, I've lost touch with Him. Yes, I read the Word, pray, fellowship, etc. but I don't necessarily take the time to listen and glean wisdom from Him. I sort of go through the motions, as just another thing to check off my ever-growing "to do" list. I'm also trying to lean on my own power and abilities to get through each day; the constant striving, worrying, and perfectionism is literally breaking me apart inside because I'm not relying on my perfect God to come through for me. And that's not what God desires for me and Him at all. The whole point of the Gospel, and Easter really, is relationship with God. A relationship of daily communion and fellowship with the creator of my very being, who knows the deepest secrets and longings of my heart, who loves me despite all my imperfections, faults, and failures. I need to be paying attention to Him, as He does to me. He knows everything about me - those things I myself do not know - so I need to be using this opportunity to seek Him and His plans for me so I can live my best life NOW!

So, how might I do this? Well, I'm going to give fasting a try. Since I cannot do my cardio workouts every other day, I'm going to use that hour in the morning to be still before God, read His Word, pray, and LISTEN to what He is telling me. I need this intimacy with Him so much and the quietness of the morning will be a great opportunity to do this. I'm actually really looking forward to it. I think my soul is desperately longing for this time with God. My ultimate prayer is to be stronger in mind, body, heart, soul, and spirit through this healing process; to know Him more; to know myself more; and to gain my own interpretation and understanding of what God desires for me vs. what I read in books/commentaries/etc. I'm ready for a make-over...a chance to start fresh with God and just to be opened up to the awesome work He wants to do in and through my life. I long for so much more than this world can offer. I don't want "just okay" or "good enough." I want THE BEST! I'm ready for radical transformation and to be uplifted in His glorious presence! Bring it on, LORD! I hear you calling and I'm ready!

I will keep this blog updated with the latest insights I get from God and for updates about my foot. I want to end this blog with lyrics from a song by Addison Road from their album, Stories. The song is called "Change in the Making" and it really hit me when I put it in my car cd player this's exactly how I feel about where I'm at right now...

There’s a better version of me
That I can’t quite see
But things are gonna change
Right now I’m a total mess and
Right now I’m completely incomplete
But things are gonna change
Cause you’re not through with me yet

This is redemption’s story
With every step that I'm taking
Every day, you’re chipping away
What I don’t need
This is me under construction
This is my pride being broken
And every day I’m closer to who I’m meant to be
I'm a change in the making

Wish I could live more patiently
Wish I could give a little more of me
Without stopping to think twice
Wish I had faith like a little child
Wish I could walk a single mile
Without tripping on my own feet
But you’re not through with me yet

And this is redemption’s story
With every step that I'm taking
And every day, you’re chipping away
What I don’t need
This is me under construction
This is my pride being broken
Every day I’m closer to who I’m meant to be

From the dawn of history
You make new and you redeem
From a broken world to a broken heart
You finish what you start in everything
Like a river rolls into the sea
We’re not who we’re going to be
But things are going to change

I'm living redemption’s story
With every step that I'm taking
And every day, you’re chipping away
What I don’t need
And this is me under construction
This is my pride being broken
And every day I’m closer to who I’m meant to be
I'm a change in the making

I'm not who I'm gonna be
Moving closer to your glory

Happy Easter!

Friday, April 15, 2011

In the midst of the busyness...

Just quickly checking in to give an update on life as I now know it...BUSY! It is Friday though and I'm happy to be at home with my hubby and kitties just chillin out. I've gotten almost everything on my "to-do" list done for the week and that always feels good! I'm a person who thrives on setting goals and achieving them; even accomplishing the tiniest of tasks makes me oh so happy!

Enough of my "type A" ... I am happy to say that work is getting better. Adjusting to a new job is always challenging, but this one takes the cake. Every case is different and requires a different amount of attention, detail, and plan of action. And hearing each story back-to-back-to-back makes for an emotionally and mentally exhausting day. BUT, the days go quickly, there's never a dull moment, and I'm feeling more and more confident in my ability to do this work. Even though it's a tough job, I do think it'll be rewarding. I've really been trying to stay close to God and invite Him into each day and oh what a difference that makes! He eases my anxiety and gives me the strength I need to get through each and every day and for that I am tremendously grateful!

I do have some exciting news to share...I finally got a new computer! A Dell Inspiron 17 Notebook arrived on my doorstep on Wednesday and it is AWESOME! And HUGE! I purchased a lovely Vera Bradley case and unfortunately, the computer is so big (length wise), the case can't close! LOL! Guess I'll be sending it back and finding me one that this computer DOES fit in! It's so cool though to finally have an upgrade in technology. I have so much to learn about it and get set-up before I'm really off and running, but it's amazing! Just being on the internet on this thing is a blast!

It was a great week for snail addition to my computer, I also got the latest Kelly Minter book, "The Fitting Room: Putting on the Character of Christ." So far, I really like it. Kelly's style is so friendly and cozy. I like the freshness and honesty that's demonstrated in her writing. I can't wait to get more into it. I hear she's working on a new bible study as part of her Living Room series too! I can't wait to see what that will entail - I will for sure be doing that one!

Well, it's that time of the month again where I need to share my scripture memory verse... With the Easter season upon us and the fact that my new book is based on a passage from the Book of Colossians, I found it most appropriate to pick my next verse from this book as well...

Colossians 1:22, The Message
"But now, by giving himself completely at the Cross, actually dying for you, Christ brought you over to God's side and put your lives together, whole and holy in his presence."

I know I say it so much, but God is so GOOD! I just LOVE Him so much and I thank Him for seeing me as "whole" and "holy." That's so different from how I see myself on a daily basis - me, a woman full of hang-ups, mistakes, etc. But nevertheless, He loves me and thinks of me as a treasured possession. It makes my heart melt. I praise Him for conquering death on a cross for my sake and making me a new creation in Him! It's the greatest gift a girl could ask for in life because it IS life! God is GREAT!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy April!

Whew! Time has flown since I last wrote. I can't believe I'm already two weeks into my new job and it's APRIL! I feel like I'm always saying that time is flying, but it really does go by fast.

I'm happy to say it's the weekend! Yay! I love Friday nights. It really doesn't matter what I'm doing, it just feels good to be done with work and have time to catch up on other things. I am enjoying my job, but it's really been intense. There's so much to learn within the organization and about the issue of domestic violence. It's quite fascinating, but also quite a lot to absorb in a short period of time. Needless to say, I'm giving it my best shot and am committed to learning, growing, and expanding my horizons.

Since it's April 1st, that means it's time for me to announce my seventh scripture memory passage for the year...

Psalm 84:5,7 (The Message)
"And how blessed all those in whom you live, whose lives become roads you travel. God traveled, these roads curve up the mountain, and at the last turn - Zion! God in full view!"

These verses really spoke to me. Life really is a journey, and when journeyed with God, oh the things we see and experience. I sometimes forget where I have been with Him and how good He has been to me. In the tough times, He is there and has my back, no matter what, even when I don't sense His presence. I am so grateful for the journey He's placed me on and the ways He has strengthened me, especially over the past year. I am so blessed by my amazing God! Thank You, LORD, for it ALL!