Its that time again...time to focus on another scripture and ingrain not only the words, but what God is speaking to me, into my mind. I have actually chosen 2 verses to focus on over the next 15 days...
Psalm 45:13-14
"All glorious is the princess within her chamber; her gown is interwoven with gold. In embroidered garments she is led to the king..."
Isaiah 61:10
"I delight greatly in the Lord; my soul rejoices in my God. For he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of righteousness..."
These verses are inspired by the bible study I'm doing right now on the life of Queen Esther. I just got through the part where she went from being an orphaned Jewish young woman to the Queen of Persia. Its fascinating what God does in the lives of those who trust in Him! As I read the story, I am reminded how yes, there may be people deemed royalty in our society, but all of us who believe in God are royalty in His eyes. As His daughter, I am a princess and everyday that I choose to follow Him, I am being led closer to His heavenly throne!
The second verse is one that was mentioned as part of the study. Similar to the first verse, I like the imagery of the garments...to think that not only am I princess in God's eyes, but that He also clothes me in salvation and righteousness...its almost too much! What an honor! How do I, a woman with so many faults and imperfections, rate so high in God's eyes? Its a mystery I hope to someday find out in Heaven, but one that for now, I am eternally grateful for and blessed beyond imagination!
Ultimately, both verses speak of the love, grace, and mercy God extends to those he calls His own. Our God is GOOD! He loves each of us so much. My prayer is that over the next 15 days I would come to better appreciate what these verses speak of me as God's daughter and who God is as my King! Amen.
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